♥miapia♥'s manga / #Drama(12)

Off the Plate

Ongoing | Jai | 2000 released
2024-08-09 06:33 marked

ooouuhh this seems interesting looks like he’s forgotten who he is but has a familiar sense about him, i’m sensing sum drama 8/4/22 8/9/24: it was so freakin beautiful. it read like a novel and i fell in love. oh jeongro jeongro jeonrgo you poor beautiful soul. he’s been thru a lot and it’s sad to see what he puts himself thru and how he deals with his feelings. definitely a reread 10/10 This felt much like a movie. So well written and carefully composed. I felt their emotions and why they felt the way they felt

Hitori de Yoru wa Koe Rarenai

Complete | Matsumoto yoh | 2019 released

9/11/23 ch4 was seggsy then sad my heartttttt 8/15/25: oh i loved it beautiful beautiful artstyle. jin and sei are so precious i wish them nothing but happiness definitely a reread

Into the Rose Garden

Ongoing | MEG,Winterbaum,Gazealle | 2023 released

4/6/23 ch2: damn is that aelock teyvwind in ch1 !? wth happened to him that made him fall from his noble title?! let’s keep reading ch7: omggg is that what his sin was?!?!! he paid someone to do something to the fiancé omfg ch8: damn, everyone is actually kinda trash in this except the poor omega who got killed :/ ch9: soooo klopp did like aelock but second guessed himself bc of his low status plus aelock being an alpha, made him think he didn’t have a chance :/ damn aelock shot his shot and freaking klopp turned him down in a nasty way :( ch10: DAMNN WTFF why you slapping him like that klopp i still hate everyone tho ch11: WTFFFFF they fckin. BIG SIGH. i hate klopp but i’m also hating aelock cause he’s not innocent in this. yea he’s going thru shit rn and that makes me feel bad for him but he did put a hit on someone pregnant.. someone’s comment: The revenge didn’t really do anything but hurt more people, this was the sad reality to it. We only see it in both Aelock and Klopp’s eyes, but if you see it as whole, all of that was just Klopp playing God. I understand that Klopp was angry, but because he took justice on his hands, he deprived Rayfiel’s family any real closure. And if they learn he replaced their dead son and grandkid with products of rape, it will only make everything worst. It wasn’t a tribute but an insult to Rayfiel’s memory. The children if they one day knew the truth about their birth mother’s fate, the trauma that Klopp inflicts on them is irreparable. Aelock may be Klopp’s enemy, but he was still their mother. And they do find out the truth… We can’t control anger at its worst, so Klopp is blinded by revenge to bring Aelock down. But after Aelock’s return, it wasn’t revenge anymore, just Klopp’s conquest to destroy Aelock’s remaining dignity. So it was clear it was never about Rayfiel and just some twisted sick obsession for Aelock. It’s tragic how both of them got destroyed by Rayfiel’s death, but Klopp really went too far. It’s a really sad story of a monster and his self made devil. Admittedly, Klopp didn’t stop humiliating and taunting Aelock, rejecting aelock should have enough, did Klopp need to be so unnecessarily cruel? He kept jabbing at aelock for liking him. So he was partly responsible. I know it sounds like victim blaming, but reading this whole book made me see that Klopp really screwed up. I wish he would have just been honest with what he wanted. Or just avoided Aelock, moved on with his life. I know he was frustrated with his lingering attraction for Aelock, but he shouldn’t have vented that irritation on Aelock. He should have focused on Rayfiel. Even in this arc, Klopp was really rude. Aelock complimented him, and he hurled insults instead. He painted Aelock’s every action as something deviant. I was really disappointed with Klopp, he was portrayed as a confident, intelligent, loving man before the tragedy, but the man I saw was a prideful, selfish, arrogant coward. It’s a good story and you’ll grow attached to the characters, but you can see who the problem is… and unfortunately it wasn’t Aelock.


Ongoing | Gangto | 2000 released
2024-06-05 00:25 marked

ch6 family pic / freckle boy ch5 cigarette scene ch9: jaewon is the other brother. so it’s jaewon and seo-in. jaein is dead but we don’t know why. todays chapter shows the family visiting jaewons grave for the anniversary of his death. in an earlier chapter, there’s a family pic and it shows the brothers in the middle. seo-in with dark hair and jaewon with blond hair. in the present, seo-in now has dyed blond hair… maybe for something relating to his brother… guilt? idk yet. maybe he wants to try being his brother? idkk. seo-in has a freckle under his right eye and another under the left side of his bottom lip. jaein also had a freckle under his lip but on the right side 1/27/24 ch 10 and 23 the way they take off their shirts 10/31/23 reread all those chapters from ch 1. Seoin & Yeongwoon met when they were 16. Earlier chapter said they were 3rd year of middle school, but when they ate BBQ with Taegu Hyung, they told him 1st year of high school. When they both 16, seoin told yeongwoon he liked someone, and the one he liked was a guy, so he asked yeongwoon to do some stuff with him like kissing and jerking off. See ch 16 seoin asked yeongwoon to sit on top of his lap & ch 20 seoin told yeongwoon he liked a guy. From earlier chapter, if we see family photo in seoin room ch 6 & the one who seoin kissed in class room, was Jaewon (seoin step brother non blood related), ch 2. Yeongwoon who saw them kissing, likely misunderstood seoin and thought the one seoin liked was his step brother. Seoin mole is on left, jaewon is the right. See ch 2 Also on flashback ch 19, seoin was looking outside the window at school and there's a blond kid (assuming it was jaewon), and yeongwoon saw that. From the memory / flashback of the girl doctor who visited seoin, she remembered yeongwoon as seoin old friend from middle school, and the flash back was there's 3 kids sitting on the sofa playing video game, so it was likely seoin, yeongwoon and jaewon. See ch 10 Seoin & his mom were leaving abroad for 3 months, and seoin was waiting for yeongwoon to see him off, his mom said yeongwoon might not coming and they needed to get going. So it's seem, mom also knew yeongwoon was seoin friend. See ch 17. From latest chapter, the 31, we see flashback that yeongwoon got beaten up by people and jaewon came late and said he just sent off his brother at the airport. So the reason yeongwoon didn't come is because he was being bullied. I think the bullying has been going for some time, because before seoin left for his 3 months trip, yeongwoon told seoin he didn't wanna hang out with seoin anymore. See ch 5 (no speech bubble) & ch 21 end. When seoin returned to korea and looked for yeongwoon, there was a kid with freckle (zoom in to see his freckles) who told him to stop looking for yeongwoon because seoin has no right, see ch 25. There was also flashback a kid with right mole (jaewon) telling seoin that something "come on seoin, don't tell me you think people actually being genuine with you", see ch 21 end. When seoin and his mom had meal at restaurant, the mom said, that this restaurant is seoin's brother favorite restaurant and they (mom & jaewon) visited a lot when jaewon in college. It's safe to assume that yeongwoon has nothing to do with jaewon death. I m glad he is dead tho. See ch 27 I m not sure seoin is the son of the mother or the father??? But seoin has same sure name 'Han' just like his cousin Han Wonsik (Haeyool's sponsor). And fron what secretary jeong said, the mom was always a director, so I was assuming that mom is chaebol & dad is politician. When jaewon death anniversary, it look like jaewon is the real family of hyung cousin (Han wonsik) , and because the grandma was crying. See ch 9 Oh one more, if we look closely at seoin & jaewon kissing scene, we can see seoin was pulling jaewon collar. It's possible jaewon set this up for yeongwoon to see in purpose to hurt yeongwoon feeling.

Another Lie

Ongoing | Son kim | 2022 released
2024-05-04 09:18 marked


Beyond Memories

Ongoing | Todayspring | 2000 released
2024-03-31 09:35 marked

10/18/23 SPOILERS So after reading the novel, I’ve come to the conclusion the ML is actually not a bad person. This story is another case of “misunderstandings”. Sigh…MC is a doormat and the ML is too arrogant and prideful in the first timeline. Here are the Main Points of the storyline: - MC has these nightmares where he dreams of being “raped” which actually happened in the 1st timeline. This was mainly caused by the ML’s brother. - MC is someone who longs for familial love, and makes decisions that is questionable and quite frustrating to me - ML is arrogant and only marries the MC in the first timeline because he wants to absorb the company that belongs to MC’s family (1st timeline) - MC and ML actually get married! It was on the news outlets and was announced to the public. ML is a fucking asshole here tho, making demands out of the MC before the wedding. - MC and ML arrive home after the wedding where they do not consummate the wedding. The ML tells MC, “your room is in the corner over there.” The room is small and not big as what you have expect from a rich conglomerate’s house. MC just smiles and thanks ML - fast forward, MC is in estrus. ML thinks MC is trying to take advantage of him. By the way, only during estrus will MC actually release pheromones that you can smell. MC is also immune to suppressors. But ML doesn’t know that and forcible gets his workers to give him surpressors. MC suffers a bit for two days. MC gets his estrus every month as he is a dominant omega and has been suffering from this considition for quite awhile - MC avoids ML like a ghost, until the ML gets fed up and says stop avoiding him - MC then receives a call from his shitty dad and meets up with him at the company. Shitty dad wants MC to steal an important document that has something to do the system coding that ML has been working on. MC is distraught at betraying ML or betraying the family that took him in - he steals the document when the ML was away, but gets struck by his heat again, this time ML arrived and they do the snu-snu but no permanent mark - later on the document gets given to his father - MC and ML’s relationship gets better after that - However, when MC was going to work at his company, his fuckin family (his shitty ass father) threw him under the bus and he gets arrested and frame to extorting funds from the company - MC’s long time secretary begs ML to save him by bailing him out (they reach a deal where the secretary reveals all the secrets of what the shitty dad did in his company) - ML arrived and picks up the MC - shit happens, as the new program is launched by MC’s family company. It used the stolen coding that the MC stole. - ML is furious as MC stands inside his study, distraught, sad, and grieving. (He’s not crying btw, just sad that he got betrayed by the monsters he thought were family) - ML asks if he has any excuses for the shit he pulled, MC says he done it out of his on volition - ML asks twice, as if giving him a chance to redeem himself. MC does not come up with excuses. ML storms off saying “you will regret it”. - Fast forward, MC is on house arrest and then enters estrus - MC suffers for a bit until the door opens. He thinks it’s the ML, but it’s the fucking ML’s brother. ML’s brother rapes MC, while MC resists. It’s when the brother states, “Wow, this is the gift that your husband prepared for me, thanks, it’s much appreciated.” MC thinks ML abandoned him to this rapist and gives up. - afterwards MC runs away to his safe haven, his old apartment with the help of his secretary - MC takes sleeping pills and tries to sleep away his worries - ML comes and accuses him of killing himself with this many sleeping pills. And asks why the fuck he ran away. And why he smelt of his brother. - MC calmly asks for divorce and says yeah, he fucked the Ml’s brother -things escalated and ML forcibly permanently marks MC though (snu-snu and yeah this is rape) which causes MC to lose consciousness - MC is again on house arrest and suffers from neglect - ML never shows up for awhile and MC suffers from not having his mate there for his estrus and heats - MC also suffers from night terrors and nightmares from the rape incident caused by ML’s brother - This causes him to sometimes be unable to distinguish if ML was the one who actually raped him. He mixes the two up and this causes him to fear the ML - MC decides, to go to ML’s study, where he sees the gun mounted on the wall. The gun was a gift from the ML’s grandpa and symbolizes the strength to move forward and finish what has been started (something along those lines. He decides to move forward by shooting himself in the chest - ML arrives just about when he pulls the trigger, MC sees him one last time and wishes him to live happily, smiling, and then *BANG* - ML screams saying “NO!” - MC dies.


Complete | Team Killerwhale | 2016 released
2020-11-09 05:40 marked

i mean the story overall for me was sad. at first i was like wtff is this dude doing especially when it came to r*pe.... still don’t think the r*pe was necessary but it was a bittersweet end filled with miscommunication

Driver's High

Complete | Pyogo | 2000 released
2024-06-30 21:36 marked


Exotic Love

Complete | Geumgi, Lee Gyong, TR | 2019 released
2021-12-03 09:37 marked

uhm i’m kinda mad at the uke... he never apologized to seme for what he did and then boom they love each other hUhh? also a lil annoyed at seme for getting over the past so easily bc the uke is cute ??? yaoi logic i guess , but this was a good story shit it was pulling at my heart stings but i hate how the past was glossed over bc seme loves the uke now and he doesn’t care about what happened. ugh it’s making me mad thinking about this story again. thank god(the uploader) that they provided novel translations cause i would have been very lost. maybe now that the english version is out it’ll be more comprehensible cuz damn this is a lot of monologue so kudos to whoever translated and uploaded cause it was wonderful work

High Society

Ongoing | | 2022 released
