Hide-And-Seek On The Sofa
A small kid with two immature shit parents who made a mistake they will never redeem. Sad and short story.
Redemption Camp
Fuck. What a fucking rollercoaster to read at three am and finish at 6. Like hell. At first I was like, “oh, cheap rape and sex scenes”. Whatever, thats fine. I wanted to know why they were doing what they did. What I didn’t expect was to get myself INVESTED in it. My girl was an Icon, a little girl who wanted love. And it fucking hurt to know that after reading that, only to find out at the end why things turned out the way they did. FJCK THEM, FUCK THOSE MEN, AND CUTE BOY I LOVE YOU. Actually, fuck. God. Idk what to feel bro. I did cry, and I… understood the dark twisted shit. As fucked up as it is, but the ending did leave me at peace.