Taiyou to Himitsu (Secret and Sun)
Zaria you- amazing.
M Nano? Baka Nano? Hentai Nano?
Err i wish there was more plot tho. Like a serious talk between them. It would give a better development and build deeper relationship than just raping... it is still hot tho
Tabetemo Oishiku Arimasen
I want more o.o
Hidoku Shinaide dj - My Boyfriend Is Cute Anyway
I love this. I need more. Haaaaa
Dannasama To Mitsugetsuchuu
Definitely a reread material when u'r horny lmao
Boku no Osekkai Darling
There should be a warning about past!hijiri being raped by his stepdad and was visually shown. Well it did not triggered me but it would be kind to warn people who will get triggered. Anyway Hijiri is ridiculously pretty.... i love him... huhu... i would reread this anw since I rarely found hot daddy like this ahhahaha
Who is a sweet cheater?
Actually i read this on another platform but gonna put in the reading tab here as well so i wont get confused what the heck am i saying I am all for Gongju tbh. I probably like how platonic they are with their sex and how easy going Gongju was in the threesome lmao i know I am weird but i cant help liking Gongju alot and how Yool cursed Gongju for making him sluttu bwahaha idk with whom Yool will end up with but Seoha is a no no for me no matter how I see it
Naka Made Aishite
Ah i dont really like this trope but the uke's face is indeed cute damn
Smell Fetish