Ano Hi No Kimi Wo Dakishimeta Nara
Encirclement Love
Wow there's a 2nd volume! Wowowowowow
Akuma-chan wa Momoiro
Seriously Kei is such a twisted seme it spook me lmao
Shounen No Kyoukai
I was expecting something better(?) like tbh eventho Taiga was a jerk but i kinda ship him with Yuka. Kaoru's personality just didnt sit with me lmao it's overbearing. And to just swap fated pair like that doesn't seem logic enough. We do have brains and rationality but when we bleed we cant just say 'blood stop bleeding' rite...
Yasashii Pantsu no Nugasekata
I already read this somewhere but i forgot where so i was shookt that this isnt in my already read list lmao
Thoroughbred wa nabikanai
Spinoff of Ookami-kun wo Kowakunai A story between Shishidou the lion and Shiba the horse
Dotei Yankee Magicus
I like the theme. I hate Rei hahaha, tbh i tot there would be more drama between Tatsuya x Izuki wkwk i kinda like him eventho the rape part wasnt okay
Ore no Itoshi no Neet-kun
Put a Smile On