Free! dj - Pori Yuri
Complete | Karaage of the Year,KURAAGE Muchio | 2000 released
2021-02-06 08:49 marked
Neko x Neko Rin x Haru o.o
Brand-new Star
Complete | Kijima hyougo | 2019 released
2021-10-01 17:16 marked
This is actually a fun read lmaaaoo idk why the rate is so low but i do enjoy reading this it has many trope in it lmao
Koi wa Nanairo Shichihenge!?
Complete | YAMANO Deko | 2016 released
2022-06-30 16:58 marked
Feels like shonen ai due to the censorship(?) or more like cutting the smut scenes lols
Ichimai Goshi Fetish