Junai Drop Out
Koishite kissshite kanjaitai
it's quite cute. very smutty. it's not great, but it's rare to see abo manga that is consensual, so i have to give it credit
Under the Green Light
Full volume
Sugar Dog Life
On or Off
consensual and SO interesting, love all of the characters update: i dont know for what REASON people do this but there is an unplanned somnophilia scene in the latest chapters (which means at least dubcon) and although luckily the sleeping party seemed super fine with it it's still not okay so beware
Trap Trap
at first i thought, eh, this is alright, probably a 3 star. but it got so good out of nowhere. it's so rare to see a manhwa do a good job in portraying toxic relationships and this one nailed it. i hope that blonde motherfucker goes to hell. besides, the author did a great job in making me care for both of the mcs and im so glad they're together and happy!!! that bit where the mc talks about how he feels anxious like he's done something bad when he goes out in the rain, like he's gonna get scolded, is so real to me. really, a fucking good job. also, there is a lot of sex here lol