Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
I enjoy this manga for several reasons. It doesn't need to be said what kind of genius mangaka; Tsubaki Izumi is! The timing of the gags are perfect, if I do say so myself (from a layman's perspective). The art is gorgeous and the characters are a fun mix of cute, wild and goofy. Watching them interact and come up with bizarre ideas to mundane scenarios very interesting and funny!
Senpai ga uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
This manga is so cute! I love Takeda-san! He's so manly and adorkable and so is Futaba-chan! I hope they become an official couple, since they basically behave like one. Also, I like the relationship between the co-workers, Kazama-kun and Sakurai-san! Hope they also become a couple! :3 Side note: Takeda-san is so freaking hot! Perfect dude! 10/10
Nights Before Night
Man, I love these kind of Yakuza drama series! Keep 'em coming! I want Haru to get his happy ending!
I love these kinds of stories, but they're not good for my heart either.. ;^;
I'll Be Gay! Body Switcharoo
The over-the-top premise is ridiculous, but the art is amazing and the smex is on point.
Chiku Bingo