Past Lives of the Thunder God
The Constellation That Returned From Hell
²⁴ credit : xXxDarkLovexXx Ch 64 main helped with the dungeon and ppl r in awe how someone with martial arts can fight strong monsters. The once well known martial arts sect asks main for help in training Ch 61 main needs to warn las vegas of what he saw in the future Ch 56 the goddess heard main came back to earth and invited him. She lost most of her power due to losing to constellation battles when she sent her strongest angel to locate main. Main acted like a follower of himself and invited goddess to join, he didnt disclose he is a constellation. Goddess did felt guilty and gifted main clairvoyance skill Ch 52 exploring the dark market but its legal within its country and no export import. Some parties r interested in main bc of his martial arts that had died off on earth. And some unsavory ppl who followed a calamity constellation that hates main Ch 45 for now main can make due to look like a rank B-, bc main still can't get attention from other constellations. His friend assigns main to one of his clans to guild relationships thru similar minded ppl Ch 41 mains friend listens to main and sparred and agrees to be mains follower but mains request to get more followers means main needs to gain fame. The world is having hunters participate in fighting games and even thought that mains low rank is bs. He wants main properly ranked and assigns one of his daughters to rank main. She isn't easy to bribe and high standards as a hunter manager Ch 37 mains clan leader got ranked S and was one of the heroes that saved Seoul yrs ago. But due to Korea not giving as much benefits and he felt his teammates were being denied needed care, he left Korea and contracted with usa. He was rich and he was glad main was alive. He wants main to be updated on everything main missed in the last 30 yrs Ch 34 they cleared the dungeon and they humans explained to main what happened and its been 30 yrs since main went missing. His excuse to being in a dungeon was he fell out of abyss. Its known ppl can be sucked into abyss but none ever came back. Also martial arts is a dying occupation skill since mains role model faked ranks and is actually weaker than main thought Ch 30 luckily main and his goblin mage follower went thru a dungeon portal and it was the same one as the human earth is fighting against but dungeon got upgraded so the current humans r not at an ideal rank to fight the upgraded dungeon Ch 21-22 main accepts an alliance and funny bc it is him, the constellation of greed and dreams, and the cat magma constellation. Its a small alliance lolol and main doesnt have greed that would destroy unnecessarily so the constellations r fine with it. Dreams explained to main that main is already a constellation but to awaken is to admit u r a constellation bc main thought he was still a rookie human. Cat magma was annoyed main chose cooking utensils by using the rare ores that could have been swords or shields lolol Ch 19 aww his rock snake friend is cute and trusts main even tho he thinks main is weird Ch 18 main learned that this skill of resonance in the abyss and existential power is what fuel constellations of having followers. But main doesnt need followers to get more existential power since his title is constellation of training, where main is the existential power as he trains to fight beings stronger than him Ch 15 after the fight with high demon, demon acknowledged main as having potential to even become his own constellation that doesn't need help from others. Bc contracts with constellations means following their rules and be micro managed. Other constellations saw mains fight and observed him and even some offered contract with him Ch 12 thousands of yrs in abyss later and main was explained about what he endured by a high demon and main realized he was played a fool and all those tests weren't tests and main was unlucky to been sucked by the mana storm by accident Ch 4 before main could be transported to the goddess' tower in the abyss, main was sucked up by a magic storm that took him elsewhere in the constellafion abyss and main doesnt realize it was not what the goddess planned for him
Nano Machine
Lightning Degree