Chiya's Just an Unstable Guy
Suit o Nuidara
I can't get rid of the feeling that I've read this before but at the same time I don't think I've read it before. Maybe because it's cliche
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa!
The best thing about this manga is how healthy their relationship is as coworkers, striving to be the better version of themselves
A Tough Alpha Wants to Be Loved -Cornered by a Young Omega-
How a Good Boss Comforts His Staff
... that's the boss? Or just a senior? Idk, I don't feel it lol
My Demon Boss Gokudera Wants To Be Exposed
that cliffhanger though (darn, I thought the latest chapters uploaded were from vol 2, I got bamboozled) I actually like the "second ML" (nah, I don't think he's into the boss, he's prolly just teasing the MC since apparently the boss talks about him sometimes). I love how he's become their wingman/love advisor (well, mostly on the MC's side; doubt the boss would talk that much to him about his lovelife)
Hetare Wanko to Fudanshi Senpai
Perfect pacing. It doesn't feel too rushed nor too slow.
Omega wa Pink no Yume wo Miru