Zutto Kitto
Dropped at v3 ch1 When I read v1, I was really disappointed they didn't properly resolve the issue. FUCK. It's NOT Hamura's fault for being "SELFISH" about HIS FUTURE. Why the fuck would you go be depressed that your boyfriend won't follow the career YOU want HIM to take?! 3/10 I thought they'd resolve it in v2, but honestly, nothing's resolved. They just cleared up that they should start moving on. Which is fine, really. It's a rather mature move, although moving on without properly resolving things might be a problem in the future imo. 6/10 Then now, enter Alex. A FRIEND who's from AMERICA and FRENCH KISSES Jin NORMALLY. FUCK THAT RACISM. NOBODY FRENCH KISSES THEIR FRIENDS NORMALLY. 0/10 UGH. Fuck this. Dropped.
Hatsukoi no 70% wa,
I liked the last story the best tbh. The main story felt flat.
Screams "WE'RE NOT GAY!" then proceeds to fap thinking about friend, suck each other off, and just be very very gay. But no homo, because WE'RE NOT GAY! Idk, I feel like something is off about the childhood friend deleting the vid and acting so angrily (like he should've been more sad/disappointed than angry if that was his reason). Uke is lowkey manipulative, though idk how he started the rumors. Their clubmates are assholes and need to learn basic manners (who tf touches someone without their consent (and obv very uncomfy) and very private parts at that?!). Idk, I want a continuation where the clubmates apologize for their homophobic behavior and their actions. But alas, this is just a mere comedy manga which built itself up from the internal homophobia of the seme and we ain't getting any character development aside from the seme getting over said IH
Katsuai Monster