S+ Rush!!
I'm glad Shun got Ryu. While he's shit for thinking of doing bad things to Yu, he did find Yu special. And that's exactly why he liked Ryu
As opposed to others, I love how he just accepted his feelings like "I like him" without any worries. And it's also in his personality to be laid back and cheerful anyway, so it's not really a "lack of drama because the author was lazy or sth" imo. The second story is just meh though. I didn't feel any development and things just turned out the way they were.
Star Right
No you're not imagining it ;) Currently at ch4, only 1 chapter left plus an extra! OwO
They are a Couple
currently at ch 128 Originally only 3 stars, but earned the extra star for acknowledging the existence of pansexuals~ I LOVE YOU XANDER. Still, I find Xander's arc to be incomplete and rushed. He just let that psycho do what he wants. Sure, they talked... but it's not enough to say that "I fell in love with you even before because blah blah". Like heck, THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO TALK ABOUT. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TALK ABOUT THE SHIT HE'S DONE. FUCK. HE TRIED TO SELL YOU. Even for a joke, that's bad. wtf.
Koi Wa Etude!
I love how Sora/Riku apologized when he learned about his mistake. Also, love the sora = riku hahaha.
Idol-kun wa Koi wo Shiranai
I think I've read this before, idk why I don't have it marked as read though. The third party is just there to make idol-kun realize that his feelings for the MC is not for friends only...
Idol-kun wa Abakaretai
I wish this was the case in real life though. Japanese fans are often so crazed about their idols that they won't accept if they had a lover, even more a lover of the same-sex.
Hello Morning Star