| 3 STARS | oh my godnes what is wrong with me I actually just finished this whole thing in one night reading for like 7 hours nonstop anyway do I regret it yeah a little bit it's literally exam week but what can ya do eahhh unfortunately the translations are quite terrible and the pacing of the story is really weird it does that thing 19 days does where it randomly timeskips temporarily and makes it really confusing speaking of timeskips even the main timeline had like long asf timeskips like years which is a peeve of mine overall kind of nostalgic but it triggers me sometimes like I keep getting this undertone of all the relationships having unhealthy traits and the pillow talk is especially bad as well as how often the story deviates from the main couple tian yi and tian cai like I don't care about the stupid incubus and class presidents story at all stop forcing it down my gullet
Yakuza Reincarnation
Making a Child with a Beast
2 STARS | It has male preg which im not a fan of but also the characters lowkey kinda suck (atleast the girls were hot). I already read like half of this before but stopped randomly for whatever reason, but finished it and did not enjoy it :( *overall MID*
Duke's Private Tutor