Ashita Mo Koko De Aou
Megumi and Tsugumi
Gravity falls j’attends le volume 4 22/05/2021 Vol 2 ch 5.5 15-06-2021 Vol.4 ch1 avec des chokotoff supérieur 20-07-2021 (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) Ch All those extras été so funny and cute 18-08-2021 Vol 4 ch 2 Cute issues 22-11-2021 Vol 4 Ch 3 Apres 2 ans un update j’suis choqué 27-01-2023 Vol 4 ch 5 my Little dark age 12-01-2024 Vol 5 ch 2 I’m happy more updates 09-06-2024
Ang Ang
Ch 14 oula 17-07-2021 Ch 16 LES FRANÇAIS VEULENT MA MORT! (Storytime LouisXVI) Sparkdise 12-10-2021 Ch 28 Wholesome / Fin de la pause (drop) 07-05-2022 Ch 32 How are you bitch no one knows you 07-06-2022 Ch 44 They do shit like this then eat dinner like nothing happened 0.o crazy 04-10-2023 Ch 75 Yongwoo oppa is so handsome 08-10-2023 Ch 90 This is so disgusting ew 08-10-2023 Ch 95 Sungjoo oppa is iconic lol 08-10-2023
Safari Game
Ch 3 what a beast 23-01-2022
Tojikome chatte mo iinda yo?
Ch 1 La suite smh 3-01-2021 Ch 2 Bisexuelle 16-09-2021 Ch 6 Finalement un update 11-04-2022
Konna ore wo Suki Toka Majika
Ch 2 Leave my boyfriend Mugi alone k. 13-09-2022 Ch 4.5 I love y’all so much :) smiley face 13-09-2022
Sex Sales Driver
Ch 1 Déjà lu avant 18-06-2021 Ch 3 Such a great chapter :)24-12-2022 Ch 6 This was so good I still want more >:( 24-12-2022
[Adult BL Shorts] Bara-Boom!★
Ch 0 I wan to read all the stories 28-07-2022 Love Drop : Ch 3 Favorite chapter <3 Hehehe 24-12-2022 How So You Repay the Favor: Ch 5 Taking responsibility for his wish :) 24-12-2022 Ch 6 Give it to me Timbaland 6-01-2023 Ch 8 C’est un pervers enfaite smh 25-06-2023 Ch 9 Jeudi on est allé à Walibi 29-07-2023
Risou No Koibito