Kakine to Keidai
NOW THATS A GOOD OBSESSION! i was hooked, it should have so many more chapters really, i cant start describing how much i loved it, the ending with him saying hes jelaous and kakine saying "do you want to lock me up? Or do you want me to lock *you* up?" AHHH Yes i want you tô loco me up~ ive been feeling really lonely so i should take care tô not get too in deep with Matheus, my mind needs tô be busy, thats important so that i dont fall in love or become obsessed. Im still waiting for my one and only^^ hope he comes soon. 100/10
That Time I Got Stuck to the Guy I Hate
Fofinho, leitura rápida pra passar o tempo. Agora vou me arrumar pra ver meu lindinho. Não sei pq tô c mt fogo no rabo agora, então vou aliviar um pouco minha vida. Vamos pro ParkShopping, eu gosto de ir bem arrumadinha pra lá mas veremos né. Quero jantar lá também porque mal comi hoje. A história foi fofinha! 9/10 pq era curtinha queria mais fluff!
Ookami-sama no Koiwazurai