Oredakeno Senzoku Alpha
Good morning America, I've got a feeling this is going to be a wonderful day~~ Wow !!!! Such a cute and yet hurtful romance! I love all the scenes where they pine for each other, specially when the omega started being more affectionate to the alpha before they bonded and confessed, those subtle things just add so much to the chemistry and I honestly hope to pine for someone as well! I feel like if I would take to this to a therapist they would just say "you are vicious to love and have a lot of it to give" but is it true? I feel like I have a huge open option right now that I could leap in anytime. But at the same time, he would never be an actual option for me talking realistically, Bruno is not even Christian
Smoky Nectar Renew
PLEASE THIS IS MY FAVORITE ONE PROBABLY TT I WANT SO MUCH MOREEEEEEE !!!!!! I like it so much I would probably buy a physical volume if I found it hehe~ their love story is so intense, so obsessive, so brave and so so sweet. It's like honey with pepper. The more they love each other the more they show it in hare and trying times. Oh this is, for sure, the relationship I want. But that means I need to be independent enough to try it for myself and love myself. And I am doing that. Now go take a shower lygia, or the nutri will smell your body odor
Akutoku no Mebae
Not bad tbh but I just didn't like that it was a one shot, I've seen better ones that weren't too rushed yk. Still, it's very lewd, didn't like much f the two stories cuz they were just pervs but a read for a specially weird day ig. Happy Birthday adria? Kkkkkkk 8/10
Kuro Bengoshi no Chijou Sekai de Ichiban Omoi Junai
Lucky! Housekeeper
HAHAHA I LOVED IT !! the Top is só right: tô tame a crazy person, only another crazy person will do. And thats me ! I need a Man just as crazy as me! So good, def worth the little classroom killing time^^ ah i hope i could see more w some possessiveness and all the good stuff^^ feeling refreshed, gonna go back to xales now~ 10/10
One-Way Romance
Welcome to The Yandere Cafe
Zero at the bone
That was só gooood. Kinda cliche but too much, i enjoyed it! Not even really clichê, i felt it was going to be an amazing romance, this autor is reallyy good, im reading The brides one as well (actually kinda dropped it but anyways) and i can feel The sensibility from The author, thay are very good with those storys, it remined me of Candelight Dinner With a Serial Killer (thats not The name but its i forgot his name.... Giovani?? Ayowane???? Some things very unique so i cant remeber rn but its the best one everrr. THE NAME IS LEWELLYNS CANDLE LIGHT DINNER !!!! And prob something w morder in the end anyways. Very nice story and i enjoyed The switch couple! I normally like very stabilisehd roles but it was só natural and they treatedeach other só nícely, lovely. 100/100!
Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation