Greenwings33's manga / #Adventure(83)

Sengoku Basara Ranse Ranbu

Ongoing | Shimotsuki Kairi | 2007 released

Boku no Hero Academia

Ongoing | Horikoshi Kouhei | 2000 released

I keep thinking there's a freaking horse on the cover... But no it's just Tomura being creepy.

West End

Ongoing | Kurenai Mitsuba,Sano Masaki | 1996 released

Imperial Guards

Complete | itoh yu | 2000 released

I love the fact that the main character's face is not detailed, especially in the eyes - he is the only one like this. I realized that it was that way because he is meant to be expressionless and hard to read - we can't see his true feelings because he can't show them to anyone except Chihaya.