Path to You
It wase cute, that I can tell. The romance takes time to set up which is I find a good thing because it is also necessary to show that each person at their own pace.
Intresting story even if ... sports hall are cliché for a mature romance xD characters got a good personality and the drawing were sexy. The lead is ... gay ... okay .. I'm okay, have a happy life Hawi, you deserve it :')
It's short, but lot of things happened
King's Maker
Good protagonists, good storyline. Adorable and endearing characters, funny ML. I also really enjoyed seeing the inner conflict that Shinra has in this couple.
Stranger Than Friends
Good way to draw and wrote sumt, interesting story and tiddies xD, nah really just want them to be happy togather.
All About Lust
very fun, the art feet well. Both part were really interesting.
Who Can Define Popularity?
I'm waiting for the next series, because this one was amazing. The characters are well written, funny and interesting. I really had a good time and the drawings are beautiful.
Dangerous Convenience Store
I love the meme from the uploaders at the end of every chapter, thank you so mush for making my days all the time <3
Seasons' Cafe