Magus With A Different Meaning
Story about a magician who owns a sex shop & finds a demon king (who's an amnesiac). Thought the art was pretty cute but the random smut scenes in between kinda threw me off :|
Demon of Lustful Hell
-1 for the rapey-ness at the start but overall super good, i love the plot & character development. especially the ending made me bawl my eyes out
felt kinda rapey at the start, so -1 for that. but pushing through to the end was quite nice, both of them got their happy ending. i like how the top had a character development (even though it was a reincarnation) but it was a sweet ending. kinda sad that I didn't get to see them have kids either...
Where the Wind Stays
ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC (asides from the copious amount of smut) but the plot and RELATIONSHIP development is really so amazing. it was a good idea to re-read this book. happy ending for the couple who persevere through tough times, really shows the whole unconditional love from the bottom :’)
Spirited Away by the Rain Woman Youkai