Knock Me Out
lOOOOLLLLL WHEN HE FELL HAHAHAHAHAH NICE POSITION. EHEM anyways the story was better than i expected i tought it was going to be clishe toxic couple but naw man it was cute and pretty sweet, but i must say the pacing is kinda weird and the expressions too but everythinh else was good heheh. It so cute tho when they bicker sometimes.
All Of You
WHAT WAS THAY BROO. IT WAS SOO CUTE AND GOOD LIKE SATISFIYING THE BUILD UP AN ALL MAN. Well i havent seen one like this for a while it was very wholesome and cute, plus the plot was actually fresh and interesting. It was a great improvement from starting with a lie man ANDDDDD LIKE it was SOOOO cute the slow burn mphh.... but I NEED MOOOOREEEE
Man Of A Virtue
BROOOOOO IT WAS SHOO GOOD SHOOO KAWAII, the fist part was a bit unbearable tho cuz the dude was such a jerk BUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STORY he kinda changed and got sooo sweet man it was suuper cute. The dude was more or less a jerk cuz of the rivalry, but tham i want to be loved likethat to they love eaxhother soo much man it was very beautiful and fluffyyyyyyy kyaaa i love their dinamic relationship how the uke doesnt just be complacent about thing and actually get mad at him,plus sangtae is suuper cute man he blushes and moan abit durinh thw tango a rare sight of seme.The stiry is just grewat and wonderfull from satrt to finish the scenes was hella good too
Too Close
mBROOO THAR WAS SOOOUPER CUTE LIKE AHHHHH THEY LOVE EACHOTHER SOO MUCH aaa so cute together, they had overcpme haddshops together and they both love eachother soo much, aaaa its so fluffyyyyy kya, i eish tehre were more aaa the endingggg aaaaa i want to see morenof them, i hope theyre happy foreverrrrrr, they are ment for eachother. Also zach and skyler are very ikemen humhum
Unintentional Love Story
BRO THIS ONE IS HELLA CUTE LIKE FR THEYRE SOO AMDLG IN LIVE AND THE COMUNUCATION IS CHEFS KISS. Like thet story breaks the stereotype clishe plot man it was such a good read they are just soo fluffy and cuteee. They love eachother soomuch kyaa
Hey, Prince!
WHAAAAAA THAT WASS SHOO CITE the character was fresh, i kinda like ray cuz he doesnt bendover of anybody, lucas too hes like idc, o just dont like how materialistic he is tho, but its alll gudd cus he knows his priorities and well the crown prince is rich HAHAH
Become Human
OMOOO KAWAIIIU AAAA JIHO IS SHOOOCUTE GUNWOO TOOOO CYAAAAA THEYRE BOTH CUTE KAKAKAKAKSKSKKSK the story is very loving and fluffy man my heart cant take ittt one thing i dont like tho is how they cut everything short so kinda feels rushed i want to see the story till the end why yu cut it la it makes the pace weird
Love Shuttle
AAAA TOLOL, WE DONT TALK ABOUT THE SIDE STORIES. Aeju youre wonderful but why did you have to ruin such a loving story with incest like why???. LIKE SHxbxbxbfbdjdjdhshhdhzhdhdh. Anyways, MAN DOYUN AND TAEHAN WAS SUUUPER CUTE, I LOVE THEM SM. At first they were litterally enemies men and then they fell in love KYAAAA IM IN LIVE WITH THEM. KAKKAKAK, LIKE TAEHAN WAS THE STANDARD MAN, HE IS LITTERALLY THE MOST IDEAL ALPHA I LOVE HIM, AND DOYUN IS HELLA ERO MAN LIKE DHJDFNIDNDID THEY ARE PERFECT WITH EACHOTHER. THEY GOT MARRIED TOOO AAAAAAAAA. I hope they last forever, im just kinda abit sad beacuse the marriage and the having kid is a bit rushed. I felt like they should think more about it. But yolo i guess its their life hahaha... ANYWAYS ONE OF THE BEST OMEGA FIST. the story was sooo straight forward no conflics that it made me think it was strange but im not complainin. ALL I GOT WAS FLUFFFF AND LOTS OF LOVEEE KYAA
To be or not to be
UWAHHHA A SNSJDJDN IT WAS THE BEST, LEGIT LIKE SCUMBAG VILLAN BUT BETTER. I LOVE THEM SOOO MUCH. They really love eachother man. AAAAAA I LOVE DEMMM. the stroy was just wonderful, it shows their hardships and their love for eachotehr very good and entertaining I LOVE THEMMMM AAAAAAAAAA MUST RE READ IN THE FUTURE KYAA
Heart Stain