I Thought It Was Time!
46 13 The duke realizes his feelings 17. Kiss <3 28. Kiss 32. Kiss after her being rescued 34. The duke has been purified 36. Her family visits the priest and regrets it 44. Sex
How to Hide the Emperor’s Child
80 36. He tells her he wants her by his side. She rejects him 39. Murder attempt 49. The Emperor is suspicious 51. He finds out 58. Her father tells everybody he is the emperor's son 63. The emperor now knows 64. Prince and empress
My Second Husband Desperate and Depressed
More Than You Know
How to Get My Husband on My Side
15. Trauma showing at the stable. 19. Telling her to go back 21. Accidental meeting with Lorenzo. Being sincere 23. Birthday gift 25-26. Wedding night. No sex. He sees her scars 28. Lorenzo trying to give a meaningless apology. Freya showing us readers her true colors 31. Freya has been poisoned. 33. Lorenzo bs 34. Izke has been doong everything to help Ruby. Even if guilty 37. Dragon encounter 38. Izke finda her, she tells him to leave her alone 40. He says sorry and her too 43. His POV 46. Izke warns Lorenzo 51. Dancing at the banquet 54. She was,stompped. Warning by his bro 60. He confesses his emotions 61. Loveee. Making it and confessing <3 68. Freya is a bitch 70. Ruby slaps the bitch maid 73. Communication <3 74. Ellen's POV. She is thinking about Freya and Ruby 76. Ellem tells him she was abused by her mother 78. Communication between brothers
I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story