11. Proposal of a deal...
12. Dream about the driver
16. Deal
22. Paying the loanshark
34. Meeting evil brother
36. "I could betray you for 160 mil" >◇<
37. Seducing. Kiss
40. Past with Hyunsuk. He r*ped him :(
41. Taeha abuses him too... bj
42. Dubius con. He desires him for the money
43. Hyunsuk is at the table
44. Some of his father's past
45. Taeha's kidnapping
51. His birth mother
52. His kidnapper dad
53-54 Sex [a deal for info]
55-56. Wikileaks
60. His mom came back but Jahan told her he was not there. He loved his mother... even if she abandoned him
63. Hyunsuk and the other MF are jealous
64. His father sent TAeha a clue and the video. He won't help him with his debt if not for the wikileaks.
67. A flower without poison, his father said... Sex.
68. He drugged him!!!!
70. A new deal
72-73. Tanbang's deal with his father. "Kill him without pain if he is desperate"
75. Jahan's father is looking for him. But he refuses to see him
81-82. Sex
86. Hyunsuk was confronted
89. His birth mother before losing sanity. His father was awful, indeed
The Foul