Yuuutsu Na Asa
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Internet Love!
Gen z Instagram
Novel:https://readhive.org/series/61544/#releases Spoiler from novel: https://www.mangago.me/home/mangatopic/17215483/ 24 3. Erasing the village 7. Sleepwalking. 10. Searching through his body, guards and the emperor... 12. Kiss like lovers with the brother. Obsession from the lunatic emperor. He shoots him, brother stopped it 13. Hunting. Emperor shows his desire 14. Desire all over our MC. Making out. 15. Sex 16. "Why not use art as a treatment" because you are insane. 17. He feels dirty... but needs more time. 18. Lord's unrequited feelings. 19. Like date 20. He didnt like the play about the emperor and went mad. Garon catched them. 21. Fingers. 23. Revenge for fingers. Put him to sleep 40. ML2 POV. He loves him 43. Proposal. 2 ML
Death Delayed for a Short Time Because of the Will
Smyrna & Capri
13. Ball., omega ex 15. Heat 16. Guardian tree 20. Battlefield. Saved by spirit. Message to comrades 22. Feelings and cuteness 24. MAKing love without knowing 25. He is a dragon. Meeting the wizard 26. A lovingly promise 29. Mom's visit. The emmperor's conspiracy 30. End of the contract. "Run away with me" 35. Another cute promise 36. Bj and jealousy 39. Dream of the future 46. Birth and proposal 47. Rejection and maturing 48. Promise 53. Pregnant 56. The king and everylone are making their moves 64. War 66-67. Love
Nerd Project
10. Stacy is a stalker... 17. Luke's charm 18. Kiss kiss fall in love 19. Devious 21. Andy's past 23. Kisses 32. Stupid pepole plays stupid games (Derrick meets Luke's fists) 33. Confession 35. Sex