The manga follows the journey of three childhood friends: Yuuto (blue hair), Makoto (blonde), and Rei (brunette). Each character brings their own unique flavor to the mix, from Yuuto's reserved nature to Makoto's confident swagger and Rei's mysterious allure.
First off, the artwork is undeniably gorgeous. And can we all agree that the leads are super hot? I mean, come on, those character designs are chef's kiss!
But here's the thing – while the eye candy is definitely a highlight, the story itself can sometimes feel a bit... lacking or even predictable. Sure, it hits all the familiar beats of a classic BL romance, but it doesn't offer much in terms of originality or depth.
It's a fun, easy read with enough drama and romance to keep you hooked. Plus, the artwork is seriously drool-worthy – did I mention how hot the characters are?
So, is it worth reading? Well, if you're in it for the steamy romance and stunning visuals, then absolutely! But if you're looking for something groundbreaking or thought-provoking, you might want to manage your expectations a bit.
Tachi to Neko Docchi ga Ii no?