Share A Bed
Everything is kind of predictable. I know they are in love but the ki'g should take another queen to have another heir just in case. they are both kinda stupid if we're honest. The way heu gt stabbed by the queen was so predictable. And he was just fine after that. Yeah sure. Not any real issue between the couple tho
Guy ends up in another world/futur where he meets his lover reincarnation. He had to kill his lover to prove that he belonged to the group the 1st prince told him to infiltrate. Again the best friend being in love with the Mc had no purpose
Amaregulus: Soldier & Soother
He was suppose to relieve sexual needs of soldier after he wzs injured and could be a warrior himself. He want the prince to be his first. The prince will only allow it if he can beat him but if the warrior beat him he should become a soldier once more' the prince trains hard and beat him. He fall in love on the way. The prince was already in love. They become lover. Nothing much to it' kinda cute. No real problem
Willow love story
Most healthy omega verse. Also he's not a complete omega so complicated and he's lying a lot but the prince knows and understands why. royalty in modern world. also omega and alpha are very rare so not normalized I love the art very much. They are so pretty The end is a bit rushed I guess but it's okay
They're pissing me off. All that because the prince never told him he loved him and wanted to be with him. Also him being enamored since yeon was a child is just not cool. The cousin aspect is expected because that's how royalty works but well. The miscommunication is killing me!! The skip from the prince killing the sister escorts and getting yeon to him losing his mind made no sense I'm glad it's over. what a waste of good art
Flower of the Sun
The prince needs a slow painful death Saison 2 fini en nov 2023 depuis rien Nouvelle saison est encore pire. On a pas besoin de ça quoi. Le prince est just une abobination
Two Souls
The Max Level Hero has Returned!
Trained by sainds, legends in the hero's paradise (for 1000y) while he was in the coma.prince Davey is determined to change his country but also doesn't want to become the next king. He's ruthless for those opposing him but generous and kind towards civilians. His maid is cute af Chap 156 ca fait déjà bcp Je comprend plus trop Dropped parce que getting boring
Dawn of the Dragon
Abandonnement issue. Kinda grooming but not intentionally. Sexual assault I. The first chapter...
My Master