Comfort Rewinder
The plot line with the dad is so emotional. They are both good boys Solid 4 because nothing exiting enough to bump it to 5
The Third Ending
Lover Boy
I can't remember anything. But apparently I gave it to you stars...
Come to Hand
Un ancien étudiant devenu tatoueur trouvé le prof sur lequel il vaut un crush effondré d'épuisement devant sa boutique. Il vont rester en contact et devenur amoureux. Très respectueux, tout mignon. Le prof est tout Cute mais j'aurais aimé qu'il ressemble moins à un enfant
When Pear Blossoms Bloom
1er.hapitez il se réveille avec un suçon mais ne sais pas qui est responsable donc sa depuis le chapter 1 non. Et puis je commence à en avoir marre des love triangle
Why Are You So Kind To Everyone Except Me?
Upload 6x 16 et 26 du mois. Le lack of communication in this one is the worst. Misunderstandings one after the other Chap 34. My boy needs to relax. I won't stand for any possessive fuckers. Lile that's his best friend. Don't tell him to delete numbers Non be pende que je vais abandonner. Le top est toxiiique. Quand ton partenaire te dit stop je peux plus tu stop. Basta Bro is obsessive and the other is too in love to realize it
Beauty And The West Chamber
Very complex, involves theater the army betrayal left and right, family. I'm not the biggest fan of the art but it's different
Imitation Mate