Yours to Claim
2 and et demi et rien de bon. Il n'y a pas plus indécis que jooin. Tout ça pour que Cain disparaissent. Genre il pardonne yajwi et tout finit bien pour eux. Hello no
Mr. Kang's Son-in-law
What am I reading. I kind of like the idea of it but the chairman is the worst. I hate this side of Korean culture when parents abuse their position To be fair all 3 of them are a full ppl
The Devil’s Temptation
Love the love interest design
When Pear Blossoms Bloom
1er.hapitez il se réveille avec un suçon mais ne sais pas qui est responsable donc sa depuis le chapter 1 non. Et puis je commence à en avoir marre des love triangle
For My Weirdo
Everyone was fucked up bc of their parents Bottom knew that his parents caused LA chute d'un bâtiments qui a tué les parents du top mais n'a rien dit pck que c'était un ado. Ils se sent responsable de la mort des tous ces gens Le top à cause la faillite de l'entreprise et ensuite le suicide des parents du bottom Le troisième est le dépôt collector qui va le violer et tomber amoureux i guess.
Lucky Paradise
Bro what. They dragged the hell out of the triangle. Like why and the resolution was just messy. Taesoo never really said anything and we don't know why. Again the best friend was the best character. Also why was there a story with the asshole sunbae. What did it ass to the story? The best friend deserve better. they are so. Bad at communicating. Their entire relationship is based on sex no substance at all
Will the roasted beans sprout?
Omegaverse but looks more interesting since the role aren't as conventional À real love triangle as in A loves O, O loves B and B loves A but A start to have feeling for B and B start dating O Chap 55. Both alpha and omega are horrible ppl to the beta. He deserve better Chap 63 the omega is such a asshole
Reality V
Waiting but damn homeboy jumped at the chance to sleep with his Sunbaes. And he's blind to see how much the black haired one liked him. Also he never thought that his exes /psst flings would come asking for money?? How dumb/naive can you be. We'll se how it gets resolves. Pas d'updqte depuis début mai
A Strange Joke