Infinite Level Up in Murim
Not a big fan of the art but the story is good. Some things are a bit confusing at times.
He never was released and homeboy waited for him all his life in a foreign country. That's why you don't believe people who say don't worry trust me
Who's Your Daddy?
2 stars mostly for the art and Sabrina & Peter being awesome. The crown prince is a shitty person. He didn't want to help with the murder investigation because he wanted louis to come to him first. Even though he knew it was his bro. Naww also the lack of consent 80% of the time is just fucked up. He did it not only once but 2 times on drugs. Humiliated him in front of everyone. And the lack of communication is just ridiculous. Louis has no back bone, none. He was cute and that's it.
The Time a Gangster was Reincarnated as Ranmaru Mori
Updates are so slow to come at this point I don't even know what the story is about 20 chapter in 3 years is kinda of ridiculous
Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Mask Has Dropped Again
Pas d'update depuis début mars 2023. Official translation ongoing
Shinoburu koi ni kuchi dzuke o
Je ne crois pas qu'il y a de fin
Nano Machine
Blackmailing someone inot having sec is rape. Not stopping when they tell you is rape. Hurting them when they don't enjoy it is abuse. Le duc est un psycho. Confirmer par le fais qu'ils entendenm des voix. Illic est juste stupide parfois aussi' il ne se rend même pas compte du pouvoir qu'il a sur le duc. Bref dans le fond l'histoire est supperficiel. Pas d'inceste thank god mais toute la famille est barré
They're pissing me off. All that because the prince never told him he loved him and wanted to be with him. Also him being enamored since yeon was a child is just not cool. The cousin aspect is expected because that's how royalty works but well. The miscommunication is killing me!! The skip from the prince killing the sister escorts and getting yeon to him losing his mind made no sense I'm glad it's over. what a waste of good art
Beauty And The West Chamber