Hold Me Safe/Holding room
Damk they fell in love real fast. Anyway, I like that Ilnh avait un plot policier mais on j'ai deviner des le début qui était le stalker mais evidemment on ne pouvait pas deviner ce qu'il se passait avec le journaliste et l'autre auteur. On a pas d'explication sur l'ex fiance du bodyguard. I don't konw tout aurait pu être un peu plus travaillé mais pas mal overall
Don't Mix Business with Pleasure!
Interesting dynamic Post on 9, 19 and 29th
Oh! My Assistant Webtoon
Already saw the drama but I don't remember the end
Full volume
More wholesome han you think it would be with a cover like that. Beom need to communicate. I get that it's hard to trust people but he need someone he can rely on. Love love them tho. Happy ending we love it I wish we also sa, do jin's wedding but whatever
It's Not Like That (Gangto)