Did It Work
Tired of him getting called perverted shaman just for him to confess that he gripped someone he tough was a girl to check their gender when he was a teenager???!!!
A Returner's Magic Should Be Special
One the very best I've read so far Desire just want to save everyone. So he's trying his best to make them strong to survive. Pram/plum is my baby. Adjest and romántica are so well done. Some of the strongest protagonist. Practical attire without being too masculine. No ridiculous fan service.
Prince Bari
I love this. I wish donga was more honest about his past to Yohan. Same the emperor should have told chunho that he was the one that asked to have his memories taken away. Hades new that donga was the crow that the emperor lost and never said anything. Ithe asshole. Alors I guess hades and the jade emperor are not actual siblings?? Yohan didn't deserve to have his powers taken away a donga in the process. So that the reason I'm taking one star away
Dawn of the Dragon
Abandonnement issue. Kinda grooming but not intentionally. Sexual assault I. The first chapter...
My Hot Friend Is Glowing
They're so silly. Johan really spend 2 years without telling Jae that he couldn't see his face. Also how did he spend 2 years without ever removing his glasses in front of him. I wish they développed the supernaturals side stories a little. fhe parents are so nice and the group of friends are everything!
Dream Away
C'est quoi cette fin. J'ai l'impression que l'auteur à oublié 2-3 chapitres. Pas trop mal dans l'ensemble. Le gars a besoin d'aide psychologique. Le 2nd couple n'a pas de fin, on ne sait pas s'il sont rester ensemble POURQUOI EST CE QU'ILS LOUCHENT TOUS. ILS ONT JUSTE L'AIR DEBILE
Dream-Like Lie
Je sais que je l'ai lu mais pas de souvenirs
Big Apple