The Path Of Star
Reality V
Waiting but damn homeboy jumped at the chance to sleep with his Sunbaes. And he's blind to see how much the black haired one liked him. Also he never thought that his exes /psst flings would come asking for money?? How dumb/naive can you be. We'll se how it gets resolves. Pas d'updqte depuis début mai
Bump Up Business
Starlight Scandal
Did doha deserve to be forgiven that easily. What happened vit Noah and his band. We don't get more about the secretary and joon?
My sweet and bitter mate
Pas d'update depuis août 2023
Love Logic (Jeong Hyeon)
Love triangle but not really because the third one, the idol, was never really considered an option by the Mc. Homeboy needs to stop lying. He could have told heeso the truth about his relationship with hanbyeolsooner. And why lie about getting into uni?
In My Closet
I don't know if I want to continue this one. Two characters are absolutely mental. yeah I think I'm going to drop soon Extremely dub con Chao 25. I'm done
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