For My Weirdo
Everyone was fucked up bc of their parents Bottom knew that his parents caused LA chute d'un bâtiments qui a tué les parents du top mais n'a rien dit pck que c'était un ado. Ils se sent responsable de la mort des tous ces gens Le top à cause la faillite de l'entreprise et ensuite le suicide des parents du bottom Le troisième est le dépôt collector qui va le violer et tomber amoureux i guess.
Dangerous Convenience Store
The OG Ahjuicy I liked it a lot but some details bothered me. Euijoon is such pushover. good ending even tho I wanted to see the wedding
Gig of the Day
On dirait que les updates sont le 6, 16 et 26 I like that the bottom isn't a victim to the top. Like he chose not to say no and the top isn't forceful but a bit agressive. He lied about him being the director of the company and told him he was a secretary. the bottom showing up everwhere ihe is because of his part time jobs is hilarious. the secretary is just over him being a hoe and an asshole Lu les raw, chap 24 is a no. A sleeping and drunk person cannot give consent
Did It Work
Tired of him getting called perverted shaman just for him to confess that he gripped someone he tough was a girl to check their gender when he was a teenager???!!!