99.99% Lovers
Asshole alpha. At least the omega is taking action and isn't a carpet First-time you actually see an omega's baby bump! Boring ending but whatever
Punch Drunk Love
The worst case of misunderstanding. Theynre talking but they get what the other is saying also the second hand embarrassed For now it's pretty fun Seonwoo is kinda 9f a creep but whatever taemoon knows and accept it . He's also such a simp not a complete pushover but way too obsessed with taemoon who's a tsundere (tm)
For My Weirdo
Everyone was fucked up bc of their parents Bottom knew that his parents caused LA chute d'un bâtiments qui a tué les parents du top mais n'a rien dit pck que c'était un ado. Ils se sent responsable de la mort des tous ces gens Le top à cause la faillite de l'entreprise et ensuite le suicide des parents du bottom Le troisième est le dépôt collector qui va le violer et tomber amoureux i guess.
A Ridiculous Drama
Kiss me, Liar
As usual they shouldn't have ended together. Textbook toxic relationship. The art is gorgeous tho
Bye Bye
Green flag alpha??!! Like he did so much for him. He even went to therapy by himself. I like the family they're funny The friend is the worst. Why need enemy when you have friends like that? I wish they talked more about him getting through it after his attempted suicide. Also homeboy is so dumb? Why? And dense on top of it? The café owner is clearly in love with him too but he never saw it. The uncle is trash too'. I don't think I've seen a manhua treat about suicide and misscariage as seriously
Can't Think Straight
We live a bottom with a back bone. Let him grovel Mais la redemption a l'air sincère et qu'il veut vraiment se faire pardonner
Good Night, Liang Xiao
The plot was really light but it's a pretty down to earth kind of story. Their family background is a bit heavy but they've both grown because of it I guess. I wish we've would have seen of the mv went back to his parents house
A Prince in a Luxurious Mansion