Punch Drunk Love
The worst case of misunderstanding. Theynre talking but they get what the other is saying also the second hand embarrassed For now it's pretty fun Seonwoo is kinda 9f a creep but whatever taemoon knows and accept it . He's also such a simp not a complete pushover but way too obsessed with taemoon who's a tsundere (tm)
Gig of the Day
On dirait que les updates sont le 6, 16 et 26 I like that the bottom isn't a victim to the top. Like he chose not to say no and the top isn't forceful but a bit agressive. He lied about him being the director of the company and told him he was a secretary. the bottom showing up everwhere ihe is because of his part time jobs is hilarious. the secretary is just over him being a hoe and an asshole Lu les raw, chap 24 is a no. A sleeping and drunk person cannot give consent
The Use of a Necktie
Top didn't want a serious relationship bottom didn't want a relationship because he though he was too slutty. Top ended up falling first. Both got " blackmailed" by bottom shirty ex. Bottom decide to give it a shot. The end.
First Night With My Beloved