99.99% Lovers
Asshole alpha. At least the omega is taking action and isn't a carpet First-time you actually see an omega's baby bump! Boring ending but whatever
Exclusive No-Love Zone
I like. Rien qui évoqué de forte émotion mais assez intéressant comme concept. Le MC n'aime pas les relation entre alpha et oméga qui ont messsssy donc préfère ne pas être implique avec eux. Contente que le meilleur ami n'ait pas avouer ses sentiments mais qu'ils aient move on sans conflit ou de cœur brises. L'alpha est raisonnable et pas un creepy forcer. L'oméga est hmmm bof Le couplé au boulot est toxic au max et pourrisse la journée de tout le monde.
Contracts in Bed
It was cute but rushed. A lot went unresolved. Also is junseo pregnant?
Define The Relationship
Pasmzl mais je ne vois pas l'intérêt des derniers chapitres
Smyrna & Capri
Technically alpha x alpha. As usual from this author really nice story but a few too many unanswered questions. I do think they went over their hatred of one another too quickly. The on did destroy Seth's spirit tree and his land. Same with his people, they were a bit too quick to forgive. what happened to the red head omega. What happened to the emperor? Where's Damian?
Bye Bye
Green flag alpha??!! Like he did so much for him. He even went to therapy by himself. I like the family they're funny The friend is the worst. Why need enemy when you have friends like that? I wish they talked more about him getting through it after his attempted suicide. Also homeboy is so dumb? Why? And dense on top of it? The café owner is clearly in love with him too but he never saw it. The uncle is trash too'. I don't think I've seen a manhua treat about suicide and misscariage as seriously
Strong 4. I'm not giving a 5 because the beginning was eh. Like the omega didn't have to be such a violent ass hole. Also the hit even after they got together is a no. but the rest of te time they were so sweet. So many sappy quote. Will re-read for sure
Maku ga Oritara Bokura wa Tsugai