Kurui Naku No Wa Boku No Ban
Megumi and Tsugumi
Un des meilleur omega verse meme si le debut Est un peu huh ?! Tsugumi is a badass omega!
Marry Me, Alpha
The top just kept on threatening the other just because he like him and the other needed the money...
Kiss me, Liar
As usual they shouldn't have ended together. Textbook toxic relationship. The art is gorgeous tho
Baby, Punk Kid
Omega verse but don't have non con, yay! A part ça rien de super intéressant.
Kedamono Arashi
Not officially an omega verse but an omergaverse. Basically no substance even tho it could have been interesting that one was a doctor. Bref c'est bof quoi mais le bébé est trop mignon
Arima-san wa omega ni naritai
I guess healthy omega verse but not really because they are both alpha and they didn't see each other for almost 3 years but it was not voluntary I'll have to reread to see if he became an ega or stayed an alpha
Lion and Venus
I always love a strong omega but what was this. He was fooled by kenji to smuggle drugs. The other dude is creepy as fuck. The father is an asshole. Don't know how to feel about the age difference (12yo) also the half brother scare was so unecceary
Shinai Naru Omega e