Shima-chan Chi no Tsugai Jijou
Former delinquent. Consensual omega verse. They are so in love and in a healthy relationship with supportive friends!!!
Arima-san wa omega ni naritai
I guess healthy omega verse but not really because they are both alpha and they didn't see each other for almost 3 years but it was not voluntary I'll have to reread to see if he became an ega or stayed an alpha
Smyrna & Capri
Technically alpha x alpha. As usual from this author really nice story but a few too many unanswered questions. I do think they went over their hatred of one another too quickly. The on did destroy Seth's spirit tree and his land. Same with his people, they were a bit too quick to forgive. what happened to the red head omega. What happened to the emperor? Where's Damian?
Bye Bye
Green flag alpha??!! Like he did so much for him. He even went to therapy by himself. I like the family they're funny The friend is the worst. Why need enemy when you have friends like that? I wish they talked more about him getting through it after his attempted suicide. Also homeboy is so dumb? Why? And dense on top of it? The café owner is clearly in love with him too but he never saw it. The uncle is trash too'. I don't think I've seen a manhua treat about suicide and misscariage as seriously
99.99% Lovers
Asshole alpha. At least the omega is taking action and isn't a carpet First-time you actually see an omega's baby bump! Boring ending but whatever
Minmotion Syndrome
Ça a bien fini mais le début de la relation est toxic au possible!! Ça n'a fonctionner que parce que taeyoon is not a weak ass bitch
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
Beautiful story. I love the bond of the young master and their butler. Love all around. Crying in the club
It's My Baby!