Aesthetics of Unpleasantness
One is a alpha with too strong pheromones but he has to hid them because they ended hurting an omega. The other is an assjole who is also a masochist so he's the only viable option for the first one to have his rut with. First time looks like it's rape but it's not. It was planned by the bottom
REVERSE (Yuitsu)
Don't think we'll see the rest
The Use of a Necktie
Top didn't want a serious relationship bottom didn't want a relationship because he though he was too slutty. Top ended up falling first. Both got " blackmailed" by bottom shirty ex. Bottom decide to give it a shot. The end.
Ang Ang
I feel like the dom should reassure that he wouldn't abandon his sub he he were to ever use his safe word. why is everyone upset that he got a boyfriend, as if ppl in bdsm never do??
Secretary Jin's Confinement Diary
They match each other freak I guess. Feel like the kidnapper is the one that got Stockholm Ed just learned it's called lima syndrom
Punch Drunk Love