Assorted Wildness
A few heh moment but nice overall. I can't believe he did that to the dad. Tho it's probably the only time I'd say someone deserved it. The friend and the brother are the real mvps. I like that the bottom wasn't just a victim but kind of a bad ass even tho could be too much. I would have like to see him spend more times with the farmers.
Way more serious than what appears in the firsts chapters. The feels... Not five because of the sa at the end and because they didn't kill rugal. Also licht just got hawk for free when he's the one that betrayed angel. Other problematic point how old is Brett?? Because is relationship with Dio is fucked up!! Lucciola is the goat but also Samantha and angel. Damn ppl be crazy because of love... But overall is was good. Plot twits were nice. The ending a bit rushed
Study Group Webtoon
Fin de la saison 1 on se doutait du déroulement de pas mal de chose. Je déteste tellement anti. Why is the only that gets away? Pourquoi pas de revenge sur les famille. D'ailleurs le stéréotypes de personne n'a deux parents. ou était siwan durant la grande bataille de fin de saison Qu'est ce qu'il ses passé avec tous les policiers corrompu La grosse bataille dure trop longtemps. Ça compense à me gaver C'est fini mais Hiatus ? Encore??
One-Way Romance
The faces art is trash someone called it mental I agree. It could have been an interesting plot if it wasn't rushed. But no to the g r ape. Like continuously. Homeboy said ko multiple times was black mailed got dp lost his job and reported for drug traffic. Nah there's nothing good about it. The whole family is trash.
Baby, Punk Kid
Omega verse but don't have non con, yay! A part ça rien de super intéressant.
When The Yakuza Falls Inlove
I love toma and Kenta. Why do hey hate taichi exactly? Homeboy needs to contrôle his urge and use lube. Also that can be the actual end?? Les chapitres de la 2eme saisons ont disparus
Under the Green Light
Je crois que le nouveau schedule is 5 15 and 25 du mois LE COMEBACK I ESPÈRE !!
Your Devotion is My Salvation