Please don't be toxic
Revenge Guide
Looks toxic already but the esper isn't the toxic one. We'll see
Double Leash
Trash top as usual. Why are they always manipulative in guide verse.
The S-Class Guide as Sweet as Honey
B-Class Guide
Dommage qu'on a pas plus d'info sur le fonctionnement de ce monde. Genre d'où sortent les monstres. Un peu comme le principe de sentinel et guide le semé est bat shit crazy like manipulative psychopathic trash but the une knows it so kinda okay. Honnement je ne sais pas quoi penser de leur relation. Pas heathy du tout en cas. One has major trust issue and the other is obsessive
Special Guidance
Not necessarily bad but nothing too good either. The relation progressed extremely fast even though they barely talked. Yoonho should have really talked to him about the danger of emprinting instead of just going along with it. He also always complained that it hurt during sex but the espero doesn't care so he doesn't either? bro tôt raped by another espero and is totally fine about it?? The fighting monsters is barely shown
Guilty Affection