It's Not Like That (Gangto)
I like this a lot. A few misunderstanding but resolved uicly. The top wasn't creepy. The bottom is kind of a whimp but whatever. I like the friend/fan. Wish we had more of the yakuza client and the lesbians bar owners. Just funny enough and barely any drama. We love a sompimp top
Long Time Red Mall
Pas d'update depuis mai 2022. Extended hiatus Presque 2 ans d'attendre. Très peu de chance que ça revienne
Transcension Academy
Fun read so far. everyone think he's obsessed with money because the class are so crazy expensive
Punch Drunk Love
The worst case of misunderstanding. Theynre talking but they get what the other is saying also the second hand embarrassed For now it's pretty fun Seonwoo is kinda 9f a creep but whatever taemoon knows and accept it . He's also such a simp not a complete pushover but way too obsessed with taemoon who's a tsundere (tm)
Romance, But Not Romantic
Green flag alpha. What a rare sight! Kind of funny if it wasn't for the stalker. All side character are pretty nice Jinha is unhinged, I love him .
the Yakuza's Bias