Cherry Blossoms After Winter
They're raised together but don't really interact due to a misunderstanding. End up together in senior year and go all the way to college and then their active lives together. gheir friends are so good. Yooghee is the best boy. I love him to pieces. I like that the sex didn't happened untk' they became they became adult. But as they grew they were a bit too many instance were nom said that it hurts and taesung didn't stop... What happened to the ex superior that got kidnapped??
In My Closet
Dream Away
C'est quoi cette fin. J'ai l'impression que l'auteur à oublié 2-3 chapitres. Pas trop mal dans l'ensemble. Le gars a besoin d'aide psychologique. Le 2nd couple n'a pas de fin, on ne sait pas s'il sont rester ensemble POURQUOI EST CE QU'ILS LOUCHENT TOUS. ILS ONT JUSTE L'AIR DEBILE
Contracts in Bed
It was cute but rushed. A lot went unresolved. Also is junseo pregnant?
Sugar to Mustard
In the Private Room
Trash top even if he changed somewhat.
Hold Me Safe/Holding room