One-Way Romance
The faces art is trash someone called it mental I agree. It could have been an interesting plot if it wasn't rushed. But no to the g r ape. Like continuously. Homeboy said ko multiple times was black mailed got dp lost his job and reported for drug traffic. Nah there's nothing good about it. The whole family is trash.
Arima-san wa omega ni naritai
I guess healthy omega verse but not really because they are both alpha and they didn't see each other for almost 3 years but it was not voluntary I'll have to reread to see if he became an ega or stayed an alpha
Steady Love
Honestly just meh. Didn't love the art. The faces are way to simple. They had a pretty ggod relationship but they had to ring jealousy even tho they say they trust the other so much? They're always a fucking sunbae lurking. Honestly didn't understand why they had the plot with the sister slapping him and her inviting the dad to her shotgun wedding. Like they were cute at time but as usual the seme become obsess with sex. Like bro chill
Come to Hand
Un ancien étudiant devenu tatoueur trouvé le prof sur lequel il vaut un crush effondré d'épuisement devant sa boutique. Il vont rester en contact et devenur amoureux. Très respectueux, tout mignon. Le prof est tout Cute mais j'aurais aimé qu'il ressemble moins à un enfant
Full volume
More wholesome han you think it would be with a cover like that. Beom need to communicate. I get that it's hard to trust people but he need someone he can rely on. Love love them tho. Happy ending we love it I wish we also sa, do jin's wedding but whatever
Woof Wolf
Pas plus de substance que ça sur le fait qu'il soit un loup garou. Genre il pose pas de question. On a aucune information sur la famille du genre ou sont ces parents. Ou est le père de sa niece Aussi c'est quoi le délire avec le hyung et le gérant du café ? On a aucun détails sur leur avance ou ce qu'il s'est passé. Après les 5 ans est ce que la meilleure amie à réussi à chopé la sœur ? pourquoi autant de sunbae sont des connard? Tout ça m'a donné un peu de Lucky paradise vibe mais bon
Kimi no Oto ga Nari Yamanai