The Beast That Yearns To Be Tamed
High school student with a univ student but he's 18 so OK. Consensual relationship. Escalated kinda quick but cute. Junta has a scary face but he's adorable. Arata is so good to him too. Love a healthy relationship. No long misunderstanding but good communication. They even insist on it.
Blackmailing someone inot having sec is rape. Not stopping when they tell you is rape. Hurting them when they don't enjoy it is abuse. Le duc est un psycho. Confirmer par le fais qu'ils entendenm des voix. Illic est juste stupide parfois aussi' il ne se rend même pas compte du pouvoir qu'il a sur le duc. Bref dans le fond l'histoire est supperficiel. Pas d'inceste thank god mais toute la famille est barré
Dubious Relationship
Is it finished? I felt like it's missing a couple chapters. How did long haired dude die? There was not much body guarding tho. He didn't stay a model for that long. Honnêtement j'ai pas tout capter avec les magouilles du frère et gars au cheveux long. Encore une histoire ou ils se connaissait quand ils étaient petits...
The Third Ending
Hands Up Me!
Okayish but they both should have said something to the other. Also didn't really like it when he continued when the bottom said to stop because he was tired
Love Percentage
Havent' finished. It's just boring. Also I'm not too sure about the fact that he had a son with his friend because he lost his family and then disappeared for 5 years and took so much time to tell him the truth when they got reunited
Code of Silence
When The Yakuza Falls Inlove
I love toma and Kenta. Why do hey hate taichi exactly? Homeboy needs to contrôle his urge and use lube. Also that can be the actual end?? Les chapitres de la 2eme saisons ont disparus
Gosu (The Master)