The Beast That Yearns To Be Tamed
High school student with a univ student but he's 18 so OK. Consensual relationship. Escalated kinda quick but cute. Junta has a scary face but he's adorable. Arata is so good to him too. Love a healthy relationship. No long misunderstanding but good communication. They even insist on it.
Romantic Captain Darling
I've never seen something like. The top thinking he rap3d him because he was drunk. Apologized to him, se dénonce a son père. Le père le defonce parce que c'est grave quand même. Le bottom le rassure que pas du tout et lui explique même se qu'il voulait dire par ces sstop, it hurts etc. Rafael is insistent but the captain could have stopped him at any moment if he really didn't like it. la famille bien que très prestigieuse l'accepte des le début. Every single character is good looking it's crazy
Punch Drunk Love
The worst case of misunderstanding. Theynre talking but they get what the other is saying also the second hand embarrassed For now it's pretty fun Seonwoo is kinda 9f a creep but whatever taemoon knows and accept it . He's also such a simp not a complete pushover but way too obsessed with taemoon who's a tsundere (tm)
Romance, But Not Romantic