Omune-chan no Sainan
Should like it because big tittie gang but the top was too forceful and that basically sexual assault
Elevator Strategy
Not that much plot. He pretty much got assaulted in that elevetor so I'm not too sure how I feel aout that
Perfect Buddy
I don't understand the corporate drama
Hitori H Online
Usotsuki Omega No Kamase Kata
I like that this isn't a alpha forcing his way into the omega. The omega actively want everything that's happening. He did kinda manipulate the alpha into sleeping with him because he knows he's his mate. he did come clean about it and leg the alpha decide what he wanted to do next
Punch Drunk Love
The worst case of misunderstanding. Theynre talking but they get what the other is saying also the second hand embarrassed For now it's pretty fun Seonwoo is kinda 9f a creep but whatever taemoon knows and accept it . He's also such a simp not a complete pushover but way too obsessed with taemoon who's a tsundere (tm)
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