Don't Mix Business with Pleasure!
Interesting dynamic Post on 9, 19 and 29th
Pheromone Fetish
We love an assumed bottom slut
Kimi to no Dogfight
Poly relationship! We cheered!!! Il manque le dernier chapitre mais ril ne se passe rien de pls vraiment.
Sunshine Shower
One of most infuriating one. no tape thank god but bro is homophobic? Manipulating, possessive and generally controlling. Oh and stalkerush as well He has a mental disorder where he is violent but he tamed his tendances when he met MC and tries to please him so he can stay by his side bc he's the one that accepted him. He tried having gf because he taught that would make him seem normal as well. m has been in love since they were 16 but never said anything. Even when he said he was gay he lied and said he liked someone else to not lose his friend. bro was mad and told him that he would sleep with him so he wouldn't have to go to someone else. Mc had enough because he think/ realise that the other doesn't have feelings for him and can't keep doing this to himself. Ml has a talk with a friend that makes him realise he is indeed in love with Mc. confessions doesn't go well anyway
How I Attended an All-Guy's Mixer
They're all a little sum but it's funny envi if it's dragging