Why Are You So Kind To Everyone Except Me?
Upload 6x 16 et 26 du mois. Le lack of communication in this one is the worst. Misunderstandings one after the other Chap 34. My boy needs to relax. I won't stand for any possessive fuckers. Lile that's his best friend. Don't tell him to delete numbers Non be pende que je vais abandonner. Le top est toxiiique. Quand ton partenaire te dit stop je peux plus tu stop. Basta Bro is obsessive and the other is too in love to realize it
High Clear
Love my himbos. Some misunderstanding could have been cleared faster but whatever. I wanted to see the friend talk to juwon about the relationship. L9ve how jeongmin is not 1 passive bottom but take the lead most time
Absolutely Ruined Love
The seme has 2 personalities that's changes when he falls asleep. The bottom like one but the other is the one that reprociczte. Also just seeing him triggers the top because he reminds him of his past lover and the trauma uround him
How To Talk to my Crush
Top saved bottom years ago. Bottom found him again in college. And then STALKS him. Like this is creepy behavior. The top wonders at first how he know sobmuch about him but don't bag an ete when he found his creepy stalker journal but found it endearing??! Of course they had to bring a third guy that like the bottom because what is a bl without a love triangle.
Dream Away
C'est quoi cette fin. J'ai l'impression que l'auteur à oublié 2-3 chapitres. Pas trop mal dans l'ensemble. Le gars a besoin d'aide psychologique. Le 2nd couple n'a pas de fin, on ne sait pas s'il sont rester ensemble POURQUOI EST CE QU'ILS LOUCHENT TOUS. ILS ONT JUSTE L'AIR DEBILE
Murky boundaries
J'aime pas qu'il l'ai trompé pour rien. C'est quoi ce delire
Shiri Fechi Nanka ni Sukarete Tamaru ka
Can't Think Straight
We live a bottom with a back bone. Let him grovel Mais la redemption a l'air sincère et qu'il veut vraiment se faire pardonner
Aesthetics of Unpleasantness
One is a alpha with too strong pheromones but he has to hid them because they ended hurting an omega. The other is an assjole who is also a masochist so he's the only viable option for the first one to have his rut with. First time looks like it's rape but it's not. It was planned by the bottom
Boys dormitory 303