Don't understand the name but whatever. Kinda cute even though consent is not a joke
Semantic Error
What was this ending?? Genre ils ne peuvent jamais communiquer. Comment ils compte continuer une relation quand ils galerent à expliquer quoi que ce soit à l'autre
Hello Green Days
Shima-chan Chi no Tsugai Jijou
Former delinquent. Consensual omega verse. They are so in love and in a healthy relationship with supportive friends!!!
Peach and Her Papas
I love love love this one. The communication between them could be better but that's standard manga bullshit. Neil should have told Dustin about the contract with his dad as soon as he got the offer but they amhad to create more drama somehow. Will is a real good friend. Glad the mom didn't leave by selfishness but because she needed help and time to get better.
Lucky Paradise
Bro what. They dragged the hell out of the triangle. Like why and the resolution was just messy. Taesoo never really said anything and we don't know why. Again the best friend was the best character. Also why was there a story with the asshole sunbae. What did it ass to the story? The best friend deserve better. they are so. Bad at communicating. Their entire relationship is based on sex no substance at all
Woof Wolf
Pas plus de substance que ça sur le fait qu'il soit un loup garou. Genre il pose pas de question. On a aucune information sur la famille du genre ou sont ces parents. Ou est le père de sa niece Aussi c'est quoi le délire avec le hyung et le gérant du café ? On a aucun détails sur leur avance ou ce qu'il s'est passé. Après les 5 ans est ce que la meilleure amie à réussi à chopé la sœur ? pourquoi autant de sunbae sont des connard? Tout ça m'a donné un peu de Lucky paradise vibe mais bon
The Beast That Yearns To Be Tamed
High school student with a univ student but he's 18 so OK. Consensual relationship. Escalated kinda quick but cute. Junta has a scary face but he's adorable. Arata is so good to him too. Love a healthy relationship. No long misunderstanding but good communication. They even insist on it.
Here U Are