[Adult BL Shorts] Bara-Boom!★
A Friend's Tiddies Are A Burden To An Otaku
The Boss is too Much!!!
They really made taeho to be a dumb himbo. Like homeboy is 40yo how did he think he was going to found love in a club. I mean I guess he did but well.xhy is he that stupid' like the way went back to talk to jowoong twice was stupid af. Also him being sexually assaulted twice wasn't necessary to the plot. Is the ceo a mafia boss on the side. The friend was a good friend so theres that
Three Dive
Juste une chapitre de plus avec dp
The Use of a Necktie
Top didn't want a serious relationship bottom didn't want a relationship because he though he was too slutty. Top ended up falling first. Both got " blackmailed" by bottom shirty ex. Bottom decide to give it a shot. The end.
Hands Up Me!
Okayish but they both should have said something to the other. Also didn't really like it when he continued when the bottom said to stop because he was tired
Love Tractor
Top 3. No question asked. Chan is just the lovelies. I love him to bits. I honestly don't think I've love any character that much in years. He is just the best boy. Yool is at the beginning a bit of a dick but never a' asshole or a piece of shit. He is just sad because he add to give up music. But Chan brought it back. It took time for the relationship to develop which I appreciate. Oth family (except the pos dad) were supportive. They get to do what they love. The only thing I don't like is that they made Yool leave the country after the accident that's just ridiculous. The way the chef situation was handled was awesome as well. Like not draguer and full of misunderstanding. Very mature. the way he trick his manager to go on a date with the ex tho lol. franchement love love love love.
Amaregulus: Soldier & Soother