The new employee
Honestly pretty good. Decent communication. Consensual sex (no alcool either). They're just cute. I like that they stay profesión al most of the time. Aaah I love how they came to care for one another. And the smile and hand holding. I also really like the lesbian friend. She's the goat Bref, I love this one!!
Kiss me, Liar
As usual they shouldn't have ended together. Textbook toxic relationship. The art is gorgeous tho
Chasing Mr. Ceo
Pas d'update depuis mars 2023 et avant ça depuis mai 2022 Pas ouf. On sait qu'il va finir avec le boss. Le triangle était vraiment pas nécessaire
My Suha
So problematic. Homeboy needs therapy to deals with his extreme abandonment issues. Alos the fact that they had other kids is just fucked up All 4 of them need therapy...
Exclusive No-Love Zone
I like. Rien qui évoqué de forte émotion mais assez intéressant comme concept. Le MC n'aime pas les relation entre alpha et oméga qui ont messsssy donc préfère ne pas être implique avec eux. Contente que le meilleur ami n'ait pas avouer ses sentiments mais qu'ils aient move on sans conflit ou de cœur brises. L'alpha est raisonnable et pas un creepy forcer. L'oméga est hmmm bof Le couplé au boulot est toxic au max et pourrisse la journée de tout le monde.
No Arguing With Mr. Mo
Dude do you want him or not did I read this? I'm'big mad. They do not end up together because the secretary was in a toxic relationship and don't want to date anymore. The boss is so good to him outside of job tasks. He even have a good relationship with the secretary's mom
Ways of Parting
After waking up from a coma du to being a photographer in a war zone, he founds out that his long time bf is with someone else.
Saturday's Master
Unsafe bdsm practice in order to keep/get a job Looks like a 10,20, 30th schedule I can't do it anymore
It's Not Like That (Gangto)